Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sorry it has been sometime since i posted...

Some ups and downs have come my way over the last mont but things are moving along. Some more sad news from home this week, Karla's brother Kirke passed away this week from a heart attack. He was 38 years old. I just don't understand it. When will all the bad things happen?
On the good side, Lindsey is on her way to planning her wedding and getting all the aspects of the big day in order. Michael and Adrienne are doing well and Jonathan is growing like a WEED!!! I will post some holiday pictures soon so everyone can see the FAM in action!
Change in birthday plans...Vegas is out due to planning so we are looking to do it up in the City (San Fran) if anyone is interested in heading out this way. Let me know! I miss seeing you guys and you are ALWAYS welcome out here! Just let me know in advanced so I can try and get you some place to stay instead of wasting money on hotel rooms.

Hope all is well with all of you and life is treating you well. I am trying to keep in touch with everyone but have been terrible at it lately so I hope you don't forget me and drop me an email and let me know how things are going in your world.

Much love and respect!

1 comment:

Jeff and Heidi said...

Hey honey - let me know when you will be in SF - I may be able to head that way. I have a conference in TX in Feb, so hopefully they don't coincide!! Loves to you!!